On Sunday, March 29, 2009, Trinity Evangelical Free Church hosted Holy Sexuality™, Christopher Yuan’s conference on biblical sexuality. It was a heartfelt reminder of the beauty and power of God’s transformative power and the beauty of the gospel!
In June 2002, shortly after Christopher returned home from prison, he spoke at a men’s breakfast hosted by Elk Grove Baptist Church. There, he met Jeremiah Clapper, the church’s youth pastor, whose father, Pastor Craig Clapper, was visiting from Indiana. Over the years, they stayed in touch, and Pastor Craig graciously invited Christopher, along with his parents, to speak, teach, and lead the Holy Sexuality Conference at Trinity.
From the moment they arrived, Pastor Craig and his team welcomed them with such warm hospitality that they immediately felt at home. Christopher was deeply grateful to the couple who graciously opened their home to him and his parents. These shared meals became opportunities for heartfelt fellowship and uplifting moments of encouragement whenever they weren’t speaking.
The conference officially commenced with the Sunday morning services, beginning at 8:30am. The Yuan family was honored to share their powerful testimony with the congregation. For Christopher, reflecting on God’s transformative work in their lives is always an emotional and profound experience. Seeing how their story uplifts and inspires others in the audience is both humbling and deeply rewarding.
A person who attended the first service shared their experience, writing, “I was at Trinity this morning and your message really spoke to me. I am a Christian at Taylor University. I have some friends from high school that are gay and I struggle with how to deal with talking to them about it. Thank you for your message!”
Following the first service, Christopher led a 45-minute Q&A session with the youth group. Their enthusiasm and curiosity were palpable as they delved into meaningful discussions about faith. With courage and thoughtfulness, these young minds addressed challenging topics like sexuality and identity, reflecting their deep desire to seek wisdom and truth.
The second service drew a larger crowd, and together, both services allowed Christopher and his parents to minister to over 800 people—a true blessing! One of the volunteers shared these words: “I very much enjoyed your messages at Trinity Evangelical Free this Sunday. God used you this morning to drive a very tough point home. Thank you for your faithfulness. God bless.”
During lunch, the Yuans joined a local support group organized by their gracious hosts. The gathering was filled with heartfelt moments of both tears and laughter. Christopher reflects that, in many ways, he felt ministered to the most during this time. Despite the challenges their hosts are facing, they continue to move forward with unwavering faith. Please keep these parents and individuals in your prayers. Remember, God is the source of hope and transformation, even in the midst of life’s toughest trials.
Holy Sexuality™ concluded on Sunday evening with Christopher leading a powerful seminar. Around 100 attendees gathered, eager to delve deeper into God’s Word. Christopher delivered a message aiming to bring clarity and hope to the conversation around sexuality. He concluded with 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, emphasizing verse 11: “Such were some of you.” This verse, one of Christopher’s personal favorites, served as a powerful reminder of redemption and transformation.
Reflecting on this weekend, Christopher feels deeply grateful for the vibrant community at Trinity Evangelical Free Church. Their unwavering commitment to sharing God’s truth with love serves as a profound testimony to the world. As the conference concludes, he shares a few heartfelt insights that left a lasting impression:
“I was honored to hear your testimony yesterday morning and honored to sit under your Bible teaching yesterday evening!”
“I had the pleasure of listening to you speak at Trinity in Indiana. I was visiting my grandmother in South Bend, but live in Chicago. Your talk really made me want to increase my reach to others.”
“Thank you for sharing yourself with us this weekend. The seminar had a huge impact on my journey with Christ! Be Blessed.”