Saturday, October 5, 2024
9:00am-9:50am –– Testimony, 15min + Sexual Identity/False Identity, 35min (Christopher)
10:00am-10:50am –– Texts & Hermeneutics, 50min (Christopher, breakout)
10:00am-10:50am — Ordinary Parents, Extraordinary Father, 50min (video of Leon and Angela, breakout)
11:00am-12:00pm –– THSP intro, 10min + Sex, Gender, & the Imago Dei, 50min (Christopher)
1:00pm-2:30pm –– Holy Sexuality & the Gospel, 60min + Q&A, 30min (Christopher)
5:00pm-6:15pm –– Out of a Far Country, 50min (Christopher, Angela, video of Leon)
Cost $15 (includes Saturday lunch)
Click here to register!